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Root canals save teeth! A tooth in need of a root canal may be one of the most common emergencies in dentistry today, but that makes it no less painful. 

Unfortunately, root canals have received a bad rap due to the pain associated with the root infection itself. Root canal therapy, or endodontics, is a process that saves the tooth and relieves the pain. 


Brady Dental Care provides a more relaxing root canal experience and while we may be biased, we think our dentists are the most gentle in Des Moines! 

At the Dentist

Signs You May Need a Root Canal

The deep root infection that leads to root canal therapy can be subtle in the beginning. Maybe you have tooth sensitivity or pain only when chewing. We recommend scheduling an appointment at the first sign of discomfort to avoid the serious pain and swelling that can accompany a deep root infection.

Signs that you may need a root canal can include one or more of the following:

  • Tooth sensitivity

  • Tooth pain

  • Tooth discoloration

  • Jaw swelling

  • Facial swelling

  • Gum blister or pimple

Sometimes patients ignore sudden tooth sensitivity until it graduates to serious pain. Our team never wants you to be in pain!

Root Canal Therapy

Our dentists provide comfortable root canal therapy and always make sure the area is thoroughly numb before starting treatment. We also offer nitrous oxide if you need a little extra relaxation. Nitrous oxide is a safe gas administered through a small nasal mask. It provides a relaxed and dreamy sensation. We also offer music, headphones, cozy blankets, and neck pillows to add to your comfort.

The root canal process calls for gently but thoroughly removing the infected tooth root and any decay. One of our dentists will fill the canal with medication to help your tooth heal faster and provide a temporary filling to keep the area clean.


During your next visit, one of our dentists will typically cap the tooth with a dental crown. In many cases, a tooth is left vulnerable by the infection, and a filling is not substantial enough to keep the tooth viable or strong. 


Avoiding Root Infections and Dental Emergencies

A good method of root infection prevention is a regular oral hygiene routine. This routine should include brushing and flossing twice daily and avoiding sugary and acidic snacks and beverages. Additionally, visiting our office twice per year for exams and cleanings plays a crucial role in healthy teeth and gums, which generally means fewer root infections, cavities, and dental emergencies.

Let Us Help!

If you’ve noticed sudden tooth sensitivity or if you’re experiencing one or more symptoms of a tooth root infection, contact our team today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Brady.

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